Monday, February 16, 2009

The Mad Fail, Live and Uncut!

Okay this has nothing do with religion but is a response to this thread on the Game Design Guild forums

Okay so this jackass, decides it would be cool to troll the Game III section with a thread called "STEAM CITY RULEZ!" Note its in all caps and he just couldn't use an "S" and had to spell it the retarded way. Let's see what he had to say.

Yeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh! :lol:

What-spire? Never heard of it. :wink:

As I said on my weblog: "Synergy, people, synergy! Maybe you guys should try picking a genre and sticking to it?" :P

Now we know why the teams have separate forums. :lol:


And then later on his response to members of Game III who were upset by his post and blog.

I am SO glad my teammates haven't read this thread yet! Hopefully Morrison will sort this out before it escalates out of hand. Oh wait: obviously Morrison doesn't need to do anything because you guys are such calm, clear-headed, fair-temperamented gentlemen.

Last time I checked, you came into their forum and mocked DragonSpire, that makes YOU the instigator. And please for the love of god learn to spell. You not only come off as a total troll, but at the same time a total dumbass. And DONT even bring Morrison into this. He wouldn't tolerate this shit.

Know what is awesome! I'm not even enrolled at CCC at the moment, so anything I say goes off the record! I'm a total outsider, I shall be following your fail blog. Let's see how far you get.

PS: I left a comment on the trolling blog. Incase he deletes it, it went something like this.

""Before you go mocking DragonSpire, at least learn how to fucking spell.

"We had our third ""clas"" yesterday."

I think you mean CLASS. Its a five letter word. How the fuck did you even make it to college? I mean you learn to spell that word in second grade. Is this your fucking producer's report? You can't even spell a very common word in your PRODUCERS report? This shows more than arrogance but STUPIDITY.

five bucks says your arrogant, egotistical band of dingle berries won't make it. Before you even TRY to make a game, go back to second grade and learn some spelling. Then we will talk.

I'm not even a part of Omech, not anymore anyway to set the record straight. But they are very honorable people and it was my honor to work with them. I was looking forward to meeting whomever I will be working with come fall in the HOPES of it being just like old times with Omech.

Sadly as the saying goes, first impressions last. I will hold out until spring before taking Game III, because I certainly don't want any part of the attitude you have brought forth. That is if you even MAKE it to Game III next fall. I'm sorry to any Game II team member that may be innocent, But if this person is representing you then I certainly want no part of this team next semester.

Your apology is meaningless, Congratulations on your first MAJOR screw up. All aboard the fail train. Choo! Choo!""

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